Figgy.jl Documentation

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Welcome to Figgy.jl! A threadsafe, sensible, configuration manager for Julia services.


You can install Figgy by typing the following in the Julia REPL:

] add Figgy 

followed by

using Figgy

to load the package.


The Figgy.jl package provides a threadsafe configuration manager that allows respecting a priority of config sources and updating config values over time while tracking history. It offers support for a number of simple, builtin configuration source types with zero dependencies. The API is straightforward:

using Figgy
store = Figgy.Store()
Figgy.load!(store, sources...)

First, there must be a Figgy.Store object in which we store and track configuration key-value pairs. Then, via calls to Figgy.load!, we store config values, respecting the order in which various config sources are provided as the order of priority. For example,

using Figgy
store = Figgy.Store()
Figgy.load!(store, Figgy.ProgramArguments(), Figgy.EnvironmentVariables())

In this case, we're loading config key-value pairs from any program arguments and then environment variables. If we come across a key in the environment variables that was already seen in the program arguments, it will be ignored, placing priority/precedence on program arguments key since it was listed first. Alternatively, if we call:

using Figgy
store = Figgy.Store()
Figgy.load!(store, Figgy.ProgramArguments())
Figgy.load!(store, Figgy.EnvironmentVariables())

And again we have a matching key in environment variables, it will replace the value from program arguments since we're doing a separate load. This gives us the functionality where within a single load we can control which sources we prioritize, while also allowing us to update any config value later on by doing subsequent loads. This follows the common pattern seen in applications where on initialization, we want to do a prioritized load from a number of potential config sources, then later during normal runtime have the ability to tweak specific config values (like production log level) as needed.

See the API Reference page for the section on builtin configuration sources provided directly by Figgy.jl, including program arguments, environment variales, ini files, json, xml, and toml.

See the docs on Figgy.FigSource for the simple interface for creating your own custom config source.