CloudBase.jl Documentation

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Welcome to CloudBase.jl! A simple, yet comprehensive foundation for interacting with common cloud providers in Julia (GCP, Azure, AWS).


You can install CloudBase by typing the following in the Julia REPL:

] add CloudBase 

followed by

using CloudBase

to load the package.


The CloudBase.jl package provides a set of foundational functionality for interacting with the most common cloud providers (GCP, Azure, and AWS). It specifically aims to do the following:

  • Handle common credential scenarios, including the following in order of precedence:
    • Allow manually provided credentials by user
    • Loading credentials from cloud-idiomatic environment variables
    • Loading credentials from cloud-idiomatic config/credential files
    • Inspecting current host environment for additional credential options (EC2, ECS task, etc.)
  • Handles automatic refresh attempts of credentials when they are close to expiring
  • Provides custom HTTP.jl clients that includes layers to set appropriate default keyword arguments for specific cloud configurations and handles request "signing" according to cloud-specific algorithms

The package specifically does not aim to do any of the following:

  • Cloud-specific error handling/parsing for specific codes/problems
  • URL/header/query parameter/request body validation of arguments for specific cloud service operations

The core of the package then, is in 3 non-exported modules (that you can import yourself if so desired):

  • CloudBase.AWS: provides AWS.get, AWS.put,, AWS.request etc. as wrappers to corresponding HTTP methods
  • CloudBase.Azure: provides Azure.get, Azure.put,, Azure.request etc. as wrappers to corresponding HTTP methods
  • CloudBase.GCP: provides GCP.get, GCP.put,, GCP.request etc. as wrappers to corresponding HTTP methods

That means using this packages behavior is basically like dropping in a cloud-specific module call in place of where you would have been calling HTTP.jl, like:

import CloudBase: AWS

function get_file(url, creds)
    # previously tried to do manual header auth signing manually or something and then call HTTP.get
    # now can just call AWS.get w/ creds and it will do the request signing automatically
    # right before the request is sent on the wire
    return AWS.get(url; service="S3", region="us-west-1",, secret_access_key=creds.secret)